Briefings for the COP's conferences


Well below 2°C – concrete implementation post-Paris

Briefing in the run-up to COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco

  • Statement of Minister of State Prof. Dr. Böhmer (link to video)
  • Statement of Parliamentary State Secretary Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (link to video)
  • Statement of Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner (link to video)
  • Short film "A Climate System under Stress: Ocean Acidification" - Sequence of the Climate-MOOC (link)
  • Picture Gallery (link)

Everyone is talking about the “historic success” of COP 21. However, the Paris Agreement will only go down in history if it actually sets the necessary transformation in motion. State and non-state stakeholders must now define concrete steps for implementation. For countries, this means they do not only need to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), but also to further them. However, the voluntary commitments are not enough to achieve the joint goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C. The priority must be to constantly increase the national contributions, while simultaneously drawing up long-term minimisation strategies in order to achieve a greenhouse-gas-neutral world in the second half of the century.

“Action and implementation” is the motto of the 22nd global climate conference (Conference of the Parties – COP) in Marrakech. The Moroccan COP Presidency is thus focusing on the implementation of the Paris Agreement.  At the same time, climate protection must be closely linked to development. The global transformation to a greenhouse-gas-neutral and climate-resilient society can only be achieved if all of us implement the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety and the German Climate Consortium cordially invite you to the briefing ahead of this year’s UN climate conference. During this briefing, policymakers and academics will highlight the current challenges and long-term goals of global transformation, and the German negotiating delegation and a representative of the Moroccan COP Presidency will inform you about the forthcoming COP 22 in Marrakech.

The conference will be held in German with simultaneous interpretation into English.


Chaired by:
Thomas Meister, Head of Division, International Climate and Environmental Policy, Sustainable Economy, Federal Foreign Office

7.30 a.m.          Registration
                         Welcome coffee

8.30 a.m.          Welcome: The Paris Agreement – who will have to do what?
Professor Maria Böhmer, Minister of State, Federal Foreign Office

8.40 a.m.          Implementing the Paris Agreement and Expectations for COP22
  Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the
                         Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety

8.50 a.m.          Action and implementation: looking ahead to the climate talks in Marrakech
H.E. Dr Omar Zniber, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco

9.00 a.m.          Concrete development policy initiatives for implementing the Paris Agreement
Ingrid Hoven, Director-General for Global Issues, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
                         and Development

9.10 a.m.          Shaping transformation – ideas from climate research
Dr Karl-Eugen Huthmacher, Director-General for Provision for the Future – Basic and
                         Sustainability Research, Federal Ministry of Education and Research

9.20 a.m.          Questions and discussion

9.50 a.m.          Coffee break

10.30 a.m.        Short film "A Climate System under Stress: Ocean Acidification"
                         Professor Ulf Riebesell, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel – a clip from the
                         Online-Course „Climate Change and its impacts“

10.35 a.m.        Keynote speech: Post-Paris sustainability: development for everyone
Professor Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut
                         für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and Chairperson of the German Advisory Council on Global

10.55 a.m.        Starting the transformation process – what inputs do business and investors need now?
                         Professor Gernot Klepper, Head of Department “Environment and Natural Resources”, Kiel
                         Institute for the World Economy

11.05 a.m.        Climate protection in the city of Freiburg – a long journey of transformation                           
                         Gerda Stuchlik
, Environmental Mayor of Freiburg and member of the Environment
                         Committee of the Association of German Cities

11.15 a.m.        Panel discussion: Action and implementation. What will make Marrakech a success?

                         Nicole Wilke, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and
                         Nuclear Safety, Head of Division, International Climate Policy

                         Ingrid Hoven, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
                         Professor Dirk Messner
, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für

                         Professor Gernot Klepper, Kiel Institute for the World Economy / Institut für Weltwirtschaft
                         Gerda Stuchlik, Association of German Cities / Deutscher Städtetag

                         Chaired by: Marie-Luise Beck, Managing Director, German Climate Consortium

12.30 p.m.        Lunch

1.30 p.m.          End



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