ClimateCalendar - Details

Event - Detail

22.02.2017 - 24.02.2017

World Symposium on Climate Change Communication

Manchester, UK

The complexity of climate change means that appropriate approaches, methods and tools to communicate the problem and its various ramifications are urgently needed. Article 6 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) clearly addresses the importance of climate change communication with the general public and reiterates the need to engaging the various stakeholders in debating this issue. It also highlights the responsibility of the UNFCCC signatories countries to develop and  implement educational and public awareness programmes on climate change and its effects, to ensure public access to information, and to promote public  participation in addressing communication issues.

A serious problem observed today is the fact that because the phenomena of climate change is global in nature, many people do not believe it is related to them. Yet, most impacts of climate change are local in nature. The sooner people (especially decision-makers but also representatives from industry, the housing and agriculture sectors, as well as normal citizens) realise that climate change is a matter that affects them and – as such- needs to be taken seriously, the more rapidly the required mitigation and adaptation measures may be implemented. In this context, communication on climate change can play a key role.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has, in connection with its 5th Assessment Report (AR5), engaged on a major communication and information outreach to promote the report and its results.  Elsewhere however, the proper communication of matters related to climate change is not taking place as it should.  The complexity of the problem, whose scope entails not only increases in temperatures, but also erratic rainfalls, extended droughts, and extreme events on the one hand, as well as decreases in agriculture and livestock production, property losses and a variety of other consequences on the other, requires a holistic understanding of the causes and effects of climate change.

The above state of affairs illustrates the need for a better understanding of what climate change is, and for the identification of approaches, processes, methods and tools which may help to better communicate it. There is also a perceived need to showcase successful examples of how  communication on matters related to climate change across society and stakeholders can take place, so as to catalyse the sort of cross-sectoral action needed to address the phenomena and its many consequences.

It is against this background that the “World Symposium on Climate Change Communication” is being organized by the Research and Transfer Centre “Applications of Life Sciences” of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany), Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Manchester and the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP) in collaboration with a set of organisations. The Symposium will be a truly interdisciplinary event, mobilizing scholars, social movements, practitioners and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research and/or executing projects on climate change communication across the world.

The “World Symposium on Climate Change Communication” will focus on “communicating climate change across society”, hence providing a platform for reflections on climate change communication research and practice. The Symposium will also offer a concrete contribution towards a better understanding and in catalysing further action to better communicate climate change. Furthermore, the event will serve the purpose of showcasing experiences from research, field projects and best practice to foster climate change communication among various settings and audiences, which may be useful and which could be adapted and replicated elsewhere.

Organizer: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Manchester, International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP)
Location: Manchester, UK
Start: 22.02.2017   10:00
End: 24.02.2017   18:00
Internet: More Information


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