ClimateCalendar - Details

Event - Detail

29.09.2014 - 29.09.2014

4th B4E Climate Summit

London, UK

“I want to know what we'll need to do to make our company a restorative enterprise. To put back more than we take from the earth and to do good for the earth, not just no harm.” – Ray C. Anderson, Founder, Interface
Centuries of development, the blind pursuit of economic growth and the exploitation of natural resources have had a disastrous effect on our planet leading to a ‘perfect storm’ of global events and a major threat to humanity. With climate change, forest and biodiversity loss, natural disasters and the scarcity of food and water all coming together at once this poses a huge challenge for future generations and life as we know it.
To reverse these destructive impacts, and restore our ecosystems and environment, nothing less than a fundamental and transformative change to our current global economic model will be required.
Business, governments and civil society all have a role to play in building a restorative economy where we can create more energy, replenish more water and restore more natural resources than we consume. Some pioneering companies have already begun this journey with zero impact and circular business models and others have gone further with regenerative buildings and net positive commitments however these are still few and there is a long way to go. Companies must innovate and take risks and governments need to provide incentives and support for these restorative businesses that truly demonstrate positive impact.
The 4th B4E Climate Summit in London will bring together global leaders from business, government and the NGO community to discuss and frame how a restorative economy might look and agree on practical pre-competitive, within sector and cross-sectoral approaches towards this. Delegates will produce recommendations for governments on how they can support restorative and net positive business development to strengthen society, spur innovation and combat climate change.

Location: London
Start: 29.09.2014   
End: 29.09.2014   
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