Briefings for the COP's conferences


More ambition in solidarity: Our motto for COP27 in Egypt

Briefing in the run-up to COP27

COP 27 in weltpolitischer Extremwetterlage: Beim diesjährigen Briefing im Vorfeld der Weltklimakonferenz waren sich alle Podiumsgäste einig: Wenn die Staatengemeinschaft das 1,5 Grad-Ziel erreichen will, muss sie ihre Klimaschutz-Ambitionen deutlich erhöhen. Außerdem waren die durch den Klimawandel verursachten Verluste und Schäden ein präsentes Thema.

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Windows of Opportunity for Swift Action

Briefing in the run-up to COP26

Experts from politics, business and science discussed which topics are important at this year's Climate Change Conference in Glasgow on 26 October at the joint online briefing of the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Environment Ministry and the German Climate Consortium - including the Nationally Determined Contributions to climate protection and the implications of the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report for the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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Green Recovery – Emerging stronger from the crisis

Klimapolitik-Briefing zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft

Das Auswärtige Amt, das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit und das Deutsche Klima-Konsortium haben nach vier Monaten deutscher EU-Ratspräsidentschaft zum gemeinsamen Briefing in Sachen Klimapolitik eingeladen – auf der virtuellen Konferenz sprachen unter anderem Außenminister Heiko Maas, Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze und DKK-Vorstandsvorsitzender Mojib Latif.

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Es Tiempo de Actuar

Briefing zur COP 25 in Madrid, Spanien

Außenminister Heiko Maas, Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze, Klimaforscher Johan Rockström, Klimaaktivistin Luisa Neubauer sowie weitere Expertinnen und Experten aus Politik und Wissenschaft informierten am 14. November in Berlin über den kommenden Klimagipfel.

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Vom Wissen zum Handeln

Briefing zur COP 24 in Katowice, Polen

Welche Themen beim diesjährigen Klimagipfel wichtig sind, diskutierten Expertinnen und Experten aus Politik und Wissenschaft am 8. November in Berlin – darunter die Umsetzungsregeln des Pariser Klima-Abkommens und der 1,5-Grad-Bericht des Weltklimarats.

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Uniting for Climate Action – Putting the Paris Agreement into Practice

Briefing in the run-up to COP23 in Bonn, Germany

A scant two weeks before COP23 begins in Bonn, political and scientific experts highlighted current challenges and brief more than 200 guests at the Federal Environment Ministry in Berlin on the present state of climate negotiations.

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Well below 2°C – concrete implementation post-Paris

Briefing in the run-up to COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco

At the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, policymakers and academics highlighted the current challenges and long-term goals of global transformation, and the German negotiating delegation and a representative of the Moroccan COP Presidency informed  about the forthcoming COP 22 in Marrakech.

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Climate agreement in Paris – Starting signal for global transformations?

Briefing in the run-up to COP21 in Paris, France

At the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, experts talked about climate protection, which has been regarded by many as a factor that drives costs upwards and as an obstacle to economic growth and development. Meanwhile, something different has become apparent: a decoupling of economic growth from CO2 emissions is feasible.  The low-carbon economy is the competitive model for the future. The 21st Conference on Climate Change (Conference of the Parties, COP) in Paris offers the opportunity to drive forward and shape this development and to master the necessary transformations in alliance with the community of states. The course towards a low-carbon future will be determined here.

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Accelerating towards the 2015 deal

Briefing in the run-up to COP20 in Lima, Peru

This content is only available in German. For more information see the German page.

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Reaching an ambitious outcome in 2015 – key steps for Warsaw and beyond

Briefing in the run-up to COP19 in Warsaw, Poland

This content is only available in German. For more information see the German page.

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Raising Climate Ambition

Briefing in the run-up to COP18 in Doha, Qatar

This content is only available in German. For more information see the German page.

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Climate Research and Climate Policies

Briefing in the run-up to COP17 in Durban, South Africa

Around 200 representatives of the diplomatic corps, the German industry, media and the civil society met today at the German Foreign Office to be informed about the latest scientific findings and political strategies for the forthcoming climate negotiations of the United Nations COP 17 in Durban, South Africa. The event was jointly organised by the German Climate Consortium (DKK), the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the South African Embassy. The participants discussed with renowned German scientists the latest findings of climate research. The German negotiator at the world climate conference explained  the EU position for Durban and informed about the  expectations towards the outcome of the conference.  The Federal Foreign Office provided information on activities within the frame of its „Climate Diplomacy“.

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Current state of climate research

Briefing in the run-up to COP16 in Cancún, Mexico

This content is only available in German. For more information see the German page.

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