Briefings for the COP's conferences


Climate Research and Climate Policies

Briefing in the run-up to COP17 in Durban, South Africa

Around 200 representatives of the diplomatic corps, the German industry, media and the civil society met today at the German Foreign Office to be informed about the latest scientific findings and political strategies for the forthcoming climate negotiations of the United Nations COP 17 in Durban, South Africa. The event was jointly organised by the German Climate Consortium (DKK), the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety, the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the South African Embassy. The participants discussed with renowned German scientists the latest findings of climate research. The German negotiator at the world climate conference explained  the EU position for Durban and informed about the  expectations towards the outcome of the conference.  The Federal Foreign Office provided information on activities within the frame of its „Climate Diplomacy“.

Speeches (PDF)
Abstract (PDF)
Press release (in German only, PDF)



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