- Speech of the Minister of State Prof. Dr. Maria Böhmer (link)
- Speech of the Parliamentary State Secretary Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (link)
- Presentation of Jennifer Morgan (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Presentation of Sabine Nallinger (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Presentation of Dr. Christian Thimann (PDF, 350 KB)
For a long time, climate protection has been regarded by many as a factor that drives costs upwards and as an obstacle to economic growth and development. Meanwhile, something different has become apparent: a decoupling of economic growth from CO2 emissions is feasible. The low-carbon economy is the competitive model for the future.
The 21st Conference on Climate Change (Conference of the Parties, COP) in Paris offers the opportunity to drive forward and shape this development and to master the necessary transformations in alliance with the community of states. The course towards a low-carbon future will be determined here.
In the next 15 years, the global economy will undergo a deep structural transformation. It will grow by more than half, a billion more people will come to live in cities, and rapid technological advance will continue to change businesses and lives. The Global Commission of the Economy and Climate" (New Climate Economy) underlines the opportunities that go along with these changes: How these changes are managed will shape future patterns of growth, productivity and living standards. And therefore, the next 15 years of investment will also determine the future of the world’s climate system.
There are first signs that the global economy is envisaging a low-carbon future: The increase of CO2 emissions has been losing its dynamic. For the past year 2014, the International Energy Agency even recorded a stagnation of emissions from the energy sector while the global economy grew steadily by three percent. At the same time, the prices for renewable energies are declining faster and more strongly than expected. In some regions they are already competitive. For the first time, countries like China are investing more in the development of renewable energies than in energy production via fossil fuels. The agreement of the G7 for decarbonisation is another strong signal and reassures many actors of the economy and civil society on their way towards more climate protection.
The UN Climate Change Conference in Paris can build the strategic framework for these transformations. How can it be led to become a success and who goes to Paris with what expectations? These questions will be discussed by experts from the official delegations of Germany and France. Speakers from the economy and science will examine the economic risks of the “business-as-usual”-path and show exemplary real possibilities and opportunities for a low-carbon development path.
The conference will be held in German with running translation in English.
Peter Fischer, Representative for globalization, energy- and climate policy, Federal Foreign Office
Marie-Luise Beck, Managing Director, Deutsches Klima-Konsortium e. V.
08:00 H Registration
09:00 H Welcome: Climate protection – the economic interest
Maria Böhmer, Minister of State, Federal Foreign Office
09:10 H Pre Paris: Presidency for the 21. UNFCCC Climate Conference
Bérangère Quincy, French Ambassador for COP 21
09:20 H The EU's and Germany's Expectations for COP 21
Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
09:30 H Questions and Discussion
10:00 H „Keep the oil in the soil…“ animated video on decarbonisation with Dr. Sonja Peterson, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (in English)
10:05 H Climate Change and Global Economy – how storms in Asia are becoming a problem in Europe
Prof. Dr. Anders Levermann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
10:20 H Coffee Break
11:15 H Seizing the Global Opportunity: Partnerships for Better Growth and a Better Climate
Jennifer Morgan, The New Climate Economy, World Resources Institute
11:30 H Companies on the Road to Decarbonisation: Getting ready for a fossil free future
Sabine Nallinger, Managing Director, Foundation 2°- German CEOs for climate protection
11:45 H Investment - Divestment: Where the money flows to
Dr. Christian Thimann, Group Head of Strategy, Sustainability & Public Affairs, AXA
12:00 H Panel discussion: Can the Paris Agreement transform the real economy?
Dr. Karsten Sach, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety
Prof. Dr. Anders Levermann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Jennifer Morgan, The New Climate Economy
Sabine Nallinger, Foundation 2°
Dr. Christian Thimann, AXA Group
Moderator: Peter Fischer, Federal Foreign Office
13:00 H Lunch Buffet
14:00 H End