Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Beginn: 03.02.2025
Ende: 03.02.2025
Art: Online

Antarctic sea ice expanded for the first 35 years of the satellite record, but in the past 10 years has dropped to record lows. The recent unexpected behaviour has renewed discussion on processes driving Antarctic sea ice change and the ability of coupled climate models to capture observations. In this talk, I will first present new analysis of CMIP6 model output and satellite observations that highlights the issues with modelling Antarctic sea ice. I will then review some of my previous work that identifies physical drivers that may be responsible for the observed changes and/or the model-observation discrepancy. Finally, I will briefly outline the questions I aim to address with my new junior research group at AWI. Conference Room 5-1.214, Building 5, Wischofstr. 1-3 and Zoom: https://geomar-de.zoom.us/j/84289388604?pwd=dGlpeTBUd1Nxem5Ec3dRYXh4NFpOUT09